EasyHealthPayments FAQ

What is EasyHealthPayments?

EasyHealthPayments is the innovative new online payments & claims functionality released by MyHealth1st. Initially, EasyHealthPayments is only available to users of MyHealth1st EasyTelehealth, however our team is working hard to roll this functionality out more widely across the MyHealth1st platform.

As EasyHealthPayments is powered by Medipass, MyHealth1st Practices will need to register an account with Medipass to activate this functionality.

You can learn more here

I’m already offering telehealth in my practice - what is EasyTelehealth and how do I sign up?

EasyTelehealth is MyHealth1st’s own integrated telehealth platform which has been designed to help you increase the efficiency and extend the reach of your practice by connecting with new and existing patients via end-to-end encrypted, browser-based video chat.

You can learn more here

What is Medipass?

Medipass was founded on the belief that in order to create a better healthcare system, there needs to create better ways to pay. Medipass removes the pain associated with health payments. Medipass introduces modern digital thinking to health payments, creating payment solutions that connect patients, health care providers and funders in ways that increase transparency, reduce administration and simplify the overall payments experience for everyone.

For providers, Medipass reduces the burden of payments administration by enabling them to raise and track claims to every insurer and scheme in Australia, all from one place.

Learn more about Medipass here

How do I connect my Medipass account with EasyHealthPayments?

First, you need to log into your MyHealth1st Practice Admin Account. For help with this, please click here.

Next, navigate to the "Payments" tab in the Green Navigation Bar. Once clicked, you will arrived to the Payments page.

On this page, enter your Medipass API Key and select Verify with Medipass.

What Claims/Payments can be processed with EasyHealthPayments?

Initially, EasyHealthPayments will allow for Medicare Claiming & Bulk Billing, DVA Claims and private billing. Our team is working hard with Medipass to further enhance this by also including health funds, icare & NDIS.

Learn more about how EasyHealthPayments works.

How do I sign up for Medipass?

Signing up for Medipass is quick and easy for the vast majority of practices. 

  • To Signup for Medipass - click here
  • To learn more about the signup process with Medipass - click here

How do I enable practitioners within EasyHealthPayments?

Once you have successfully connected Medipass with EasyHealthPayments, a new section of the page will appear below, showing each of the practitioners you have enabled within MyHealth1st. Next to the names is a dropdown menu that allows you to match each practitioner against their relevant Medicare Provider Number from Medipass as well as a toggle switch that enables EasyHealthPayments for each practitioner.

Be sure to hit Save when you are finished.

When/Where do I complete the payment/claims?

Payments/Claims are managed at the end of each EasyTelehealth Consultation. From here, you will be able to select either Medicare, Credit Card or DVA claims. Should it be a mixed billing consultation, you should select Medicare.

Learn more about how EasyHealthPayments works.

Will EasyHealthPayments be sending Tax invoices to the patient?

No, EasyHealthPayments does not send invoices to your patients - you and your practice staff should manage this in your normal manner.

You can send an invoice to your patient as well as their Medicare Statement by logging into the Medipass Portal.

Can I use EasyHealthPayments with appointments other than those through EasyTelehealth?

Currently EasyHealthPayments is limited to use within EasyTelehealth - however we are working hard to roll this functionality out more widely.

If you are interested in this service, please email info@myhealth1st.com.au so we can let you know when new MyHealthPayments functionality is available.

Can MyHealth1st staff, or other practitioners within my practice see the API Key or the provider numbers?

MyHealth1st staff cannot see your Medipass API Key or your practitioners provider numbers - this information is only visible to the practice administrator/practitioners with “Full Control” access to your practice.

If I disable Medipass after verifying my API key and configuring the practitioners appropriately, will that be saved?

Yes - your setup and configuration will remain saved within MyHealth1st should you choose to re-enable MyHealthPayments at a later date.

Find out more information on:

How to step up EasyTelehealth here.

How EasyHealthPayments works here.

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